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Jaguar F-Type 5.0 V8 S Performance ECU Software Upgrade

EMD Auto

Jaguar F-Type 5.0 V8 S Performance ECU Software Upgrade

Our performance software for the Jaguar F-Type 5.0 will take your car to 550+ horsepower and over 500 lb. ft. of torque! Our performance software is loaded easily through the OBDII port, meaning no ECU removal is necessary. All maps are properly recalibrated to work within the OEM safety parameters.

 Stock 495 HP 461 LB. FT.
Stage 1 560 HP 516 LB. FT.
Stage 2 600 HP 553 LB. FT.


Other features include:

- Factory levels of drivability

- 14 day money back guarantee

- Emissions standards maintained

- No additional charge for stage 2

Stage 2 software requires a smaller supercharger pulley. 

$ 1,200.00